"Changing Peoples' Lives"
Product of West Timor
Bottled in Indonesia - Exported from Bali
Worldwide Australian Distributor
Worldwide Sole International Agent

Australian Outlets
Jenny & Adam - Sole International Agents
Australian Show Presenters - All States
Address: Travelling Australia Wide
Phone: 0407 776 776
Jelena Dragila
Email: info@beautifulyousalon.com.au
Address: Shop 4/13 Watson Place, WATSON, ACT, 2602
Phone: 02 6262 2366
New South Wales
Sheryl Winton
Aim for Wellness
Email: info@aimforwellness.com.au
Address: BAULKHAM HILLS , NSW, 2153
Phone: 0414 416 391
Web: www.aimforwellness.com.au
Margo Ayoub & Staff
Skin Essence Medi Spa
Email: clinic@skinessence.com.au
Address: HABERFIELD , NSW, 2045
Phone: 02 9797 9897 / 0424 015 066
Sue Larkin
Sue's Healing Haven
Email: sue@sueshealinghaven.com.au
Address: CONCORD , NSW, 2137
Phone: 02 9743 4017 / 0414 291 489
Web: www.sueshealinghaven.com.au
Maria & Bruno Morabito
Contadino The Olive Farm - Retail Outlet
Address: 1106 Princes Hwy, FALLS CREEK, NSW, 2540
Phone: (02) 4447 8791​
Alexis Garnaut-Miller
Wollongong Yoga
Email: alexisgmiller@gmail.com
Address: Figtree, WOLLONGONG, NSW, 2525
Phone: 0475 627 464
Rodney Tatt
Email: Rodneytatt62@gmail.com
Address: LEETON, NSW, 2705
Phone: 0477 199 806
Southern Highlands
Central Coast
Mid North Coast
Animal Rights & Rescue Group (Not for Profit)
Email: nonkill@animalrights.org.au
Address 135 Three Chain Road, SOUTH LISMORE, NSW, 2480
Phone: 02 6622 1881
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Animal-Rights-and-Rescue-Group-109591692443650/
Kristen Howarth
Email: Kristen@womenunleashed.com.au
Address: LITHGOW, NSW, 2790
Phone: 0427 014 425
Valley Emporium
Address: MACKSVILLE, NSW, 2447
Phone: 0408 681 755
Northern Territory
Carmen Larwood
Address: 100 Mitchell Street, DARWIN, NT, 0800
Phone: 0439 601 604
Mt Gravatt Community Centre (Not for Profit)
Address: UPPER MT GRAVATT, QLD, 4122
Phone: 07 33439833
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Paramao
Web: mgcci.org.au
Muscle Torque
Address: BROWNS PLAINS, QLD, 4188
Phone: 0400 997 077/0458 498 759
FB: https://www.facebook.com/muscletorque
Web: muscletorque.com.au
Claire Vincent BHealthSc, AdDipNat (Naturopath)
Email: claire.paramao@gmail.com
Address: CHINCHILLA, QLD, 4413
Phone: 0403 009 409
Oil of Clove Massage Therapy
Email: tlcbodyworx@yahoo.com
Address: McKAY, QLD, 4740
Phone: 0428 676 914
TLC Bodyworx
Email: oilofclove@outlook.com
Address: GYMPIE, QLD, 4570
Phone: 0436 334 233
Tony & Atsu
T & A Remedial Massage
Email: ta.remedialmassage@gmail.com
Address: EMERALD, QLD, 4720
Phone: 0477 959 100
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ta.remedialmassage
Google: https://remedial-massage-tony-atsu.business.site
For organised collection only. No Postage.
Toowoomba Region
Donna Grey
Oakey Gym and Fitness
Email: donna.grey@bigpond.com
Address: 193 Bridge Street, OAKEY, QLD, 4401
Phone: 0407 620 010
Please call to arrange
Address: ROMA, QLD, 4455
Phone: 07 4622 2916
Australian Outlets Cont.
​South Australia
SA Greater Adelaide
Deb & David Howell
Email: debrakayeh1958@gmail.com
Address: LARGS NORTH, Adelaide, SA, 5016
Phone: 0407 605 468
Vittoria Bonelli
Advanced Beauty Therapy by Vittoria
Address: TWO WELLS, SA, 5501
Phone: 0417 898 020
SA Regional
Comet Cafe
Address: 40 Miller Street, PENONG, SA, 5690
Phone: (08) 8625 1008
North West
The Whole Foodie
Email: thewholefoodiestore@gmail.com
Address: 90c Oldaker Street, DEVONPORT, Tasmania, 7310
Phone: (03) 64244133
Wholesome House
Email: wh.house@yahoo.com.au
Address: 373 Invermay Rd, MOWBRAY, Tasmania, 7248
Sue Ostrognay
Beechworth Provender
Email: gemstonecottage@gmail.com
Address: 8 Camp Street, BEECHWORTH, VIC, 3747
Phone: 0427 926 170
Marina Bunch
Myrtleford Massage Clinic
Email: myrtlefordmassageclinic@gmail.com
Address: VIC
Phone: 0409 145 896
Western Australia
Perth - South
Jenny & Adam - Sole International Agents
Australian Show Presenters - All States
Home address available for collection
Address: CANNING VALE, WA, 6155
Phone: 0407 776 776
Nic & Megan (appt only)
Address: CANNING VALE, WA, 6155
Phone: 0407 776 776
Chau Le
Email: please call
Address: HAMILTON HILL, WA, 6163
Phone: 0451 190 018
Perth - North
Stacey Camelleri
Your Serenity Massage
Email: stacey_1489@hotmail.com
Address: GINGIN, WA, 6503
Phone: 0488 181 738
Email: TBA
Address: ALKIMOS, WA, 6034
Phone: 0431 559 328
David & Sue
Email: davidsue.paramao@gmail.com
Address: HOCKING, WA, 6065
Phone: 0401 754 549
Judy Hollitt
Email: jhollitt@y7mail.com
Address: SWAN VIEW, WA, 6056
Phone: 0412 050 590
Nicole Larke
Be You Nails & Beauty
Email: nailsandbeauty@robinsgroup.com.au
Address: CORRIGIN, WA, 6375
Phone: 0408 172 611
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ta.remedialmassage
​Richard Haggis (Haggis)
Email: haggis201159@gmail.com
Address: BODDINGTON, WA, 6390
Phone: 0475 432 488
Teena James
Gone Clucky
Address: 113 Warburton Road, Hester Brook, BRIDGETOWN, WA, 6255
Phone: 0403 951 950
Gull Vasse General Store
Address: 28 Northerly Street, VASSE, WA, 6280
Phone: (08) 9755 4004
Address: MARGARET RIVER, WA, 6285
Phone: 0413 281 523
Ingo & Cirstin Maass
Forest Lodge Resort Pemberton
Email: info@forestlodgeresort.com.au
Address: EMBERTON, WA, 6260
Phone: (08) 97761113
Audra Pearson
Email: audra.paramao@gmail.com
Selling at Albany Market
Address: call for Address
Phone: 0439 465 525 / 0499 210 706
Icky Finks
Email: ickyfinks@westnet.com.au
Address: Rear 280 York Street, ALBANY, WA, 6330
Phone: (08) 9841 7622 / 0427 417 545
Troy Gillis
Email: troyg.paramao@gmail.com
Address: ESPERENCE, WA, 6450
Phone: 0491 462 310
Central Wheatbelt
Jude & Shaun Morton
Nextra Merredin News & Stationary
Email: jude@nextramerredin.com.au
Address: 100 Barrack Street, MERREDIN, WA, 6414
Phone: (08) 9041 1161 / 0414 440 094
Cocklebiddy Roadhouse
Address: COCKLEBIDDY, WA 6443
Phone: (08) 9039 3462